HA MACHINE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS (machine.c/machine.h) void md_init(void) Set up machine specific signal handling etc. char *md_strcase(char *s) Set case of string to internal format and return pointer to string. char *md_arcname(char *name_req) Construct archive name from requested name name_req and return pointer to it. void md_gethdr(int len) Read len bytes of machine specific header information from arcfile. void md_puthdr(void) Write machine specific header information to arcfile. int md_filetype(char *path,char *name) Return file type (T_SKIP, T_DIR, T_REGULAR or T_SPECIAL) for specified file and make it current file. This function is responsible of skiping over archive file when packing. int md_newfile(void) Setup machine specific header information for curren file and return length of header. int md_special(unsigned char **sdata) Point sdata to any data to be saved for special file (if any), and return lenght of the data. U32B md_curfilesize(void) Return file size for current file. U32B md_curfiletime(void) Returns file time for current file int md_mkspecial(char *ofname,unsigned sdlen,unsigned char *sdata) Make special file ofname using current machine specific header and sdlen bytes of information in sdata. Return zero on failure nozero on success. void md_setft(char *file,U32B time) Set filetime for file to time. void md_setfattrs(char *file) Set attributes (from machine specific heador) of file if useattr is nonzero. U32B md_systime() get system time. void md_listhdr(void) print feader for file attributes to stdout. void md_listdat(void) print attribute information from machine specific header. char *md_timestring(unsigned long t) Return pointer to string representin "unix time" t. void md_truncfile(int fh, U32B len) Truncate file pointed by handle fh to length len. char *md_tohapath(char *mdpath) Construct internal representation for path mdpath. char *md_tomdpath(char *hapath) Construct machine representation for path hapath. char *md_strippath(char *mdfullpath) Return path part of mdfullpath. char *md_stripname(char *mdfullpath) Return name part of mdfullpath. char *md_pconcat(int delim, char *head, char *tail) Construct path from head, tail. This function is supposed to malloc space for path. other parts of HA call free with returned pointer ! int md_namecmp(char *pat, char *cmp) Return nonzero if pattern pat matches filename cmp using wildcards in machine specific manner.